Our vision is divided into three parts.
A church unafraid of the darkness
Who we are
The ‘darkness’ speaks of brokenness, hurting, lost, rejection and pain. We desire to be a church that brings light to these places.
Isaiah 41:13, 2 Timothy:1:7, Deuteronomy 31:6
Discipled, Equipped, Anointed & Deployed
What we will do for you
Discipled: Our heart is to raise up passionate Christians that are not afraid to work in the power and authority of God. Christians that will put God first in all that they do and serve Him 100%. (Luke 9:1-6)
Equipped: As a church, we will provide you with what you need to be a disciple of Christ. You will have access to the best teachings, workshops, ministry, worship and preaching that will help you to develop into the man/woman that God desires. (Matthew 16:19)
Anointed: Through the laying on of hands or anointing with oil, we will dedicate you to serving God. We will teach you how to lay hands on the sick and how to stand on your authority as a child of God. Working in the gifts of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit. (Mark 16:17)
Deployed: We desire to be a church outside of a building. For this reason we will encourage you into where God is calling you to go and to be all that God has called you to be. If we wait for people to come to church we can be waiting a long time, but if we take Christ to people, we can start today. (John 14:12, Matthew 16:24)
We will connect the broken to the Healer
The captives to the King
What is expected from the church
This is our mission. We see ourselves individually and corporately as a bridge; a connector of the broken spiritually, relationally, emotionally and physically to our God who heals and brings wholeness. We are able to help all who are in a place of brokenness. In short we want people to meet Jesus.
Matthew 10:7-8, Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18
Our values define who we are and what we believe God is calling us to do. We feel that our values are our non-negotiables, or in other words it’s what makes us who we are. It’s for that reason we have tried to capture who we are in the following four values.
Kingdom First
Matthew 6:33
Jesus tells us to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first and He will add everything else that we need. We believe that Church should not be a place solely focused on getting people into heaven, but to also bringing heaven to earth. A Kingdom seeking church can and will make a difference where it is planted.
Prophetic Culture
1 Corinthians 14:1
A Church with a prophetic culture is one that provides a place for people to dream and speak life. It allows them to step into who God has called them to be. A prophetic culture is equipping all people to hear from God and move in their gifts of the Spirit.
Worship Culture
Mark 12:30
We place a high value on not just worshiping God but putting Him first in all that we do. We desire to create a culture and a lifestyle of worship in our own lives and within the church. Worshiping God is a choice and always starts with our heart.
Matthew 11:28
God is wanting to restore His children, body, mind and spirit. As a church we place great value on seeing the power of God move in miracles, healings, deliverance and inner- healing. We believe that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and is still doing so today.